Copyright © by Vostrikov Alexandre.

At the first stage of folding we shall mark vertical and horizontal lines. Let's break the square on four parts on two directions. So, on the second diagram the door base form is represented.

At the following stage we shall mark creases, going under the 45 degree angle. It is the diagonals of the square and creases from the blinz pattern.

Further, we continue to mark creases, but already under the angle in 30 and 60 degrees to the sides of the square. The idea of these creases consists in construction of the triangle, which corners, is equal to 60 degrees.

Now we shall mark creases, taking place between the middle of square and marked creases, departing from it. Then we postpone corners, divisible by 15 degrees.

After all creases are marked, we shall fold the model on the lines of pattern.

Copyright © by Vostrikov Alexandre.

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